Friday, June 27, 2008

Changes, The Kids, Love, Rain

So this past week has been full of changes. When I last wrote, we had planned out a whole schedule of things to do, but God has changed our plans. We realized that we were trying to fill up our schedule with things to do rather than really just listening to God and doing what He wanted us to do. We had planned to go to the house with the girls on Wednesday but something came up for the girls that day so we couldn't go. Melanie got a weird feeling about it so we just took the morning to pray and really felt like we were not supposed to be investing there. So, as uncomfortable as it is, we don't really have a schedule right now aside from team meetings (really important times to get to know each other and support each other) and soccer with the boys on Thursday nights. What we do know is that our focus is the kids on the streets-- not on kids or adults in other places. And prayer. It is our role to seek out the kids who are on the street and love them as God directs us to. And we need to be in prayer continually to know where/how/to whom God is directing us. There is a park near us-- parque central-- and another park-- democracia-- where we will go to seek out the kids.

About the kids
Sometimes they're at the park, sometimes they're not (who knows where they are?). Sometimes they're sober, sometimes they're not. A large percentage of street kids are hooked on sniffing glue-- it takes away the pain (whether emotional or physical) for a little while. Or they might drink alcohol. Or both. Melanie said that sniffing glue causes brain development(mental and emotional) to stop so some boys may seem to be 12 but are actually 18 or 20.

They need LOVE
One kid who has been on the streets for a while decided to go home. He got all cleaned up and dressed up nicely. And when he went home, his father told him he wasn't wanted there anymore. Can you imagine the pain? Being gone for so long, then trying to go home, and being rejected?!? He had been trying to clean himself up before, but after that experience, when he got back, he started getting back into sniffing glue and alcohol worse than before. But it's not really surprising. How would you deal with that pain? If you had no other support system to lean on-- other than other street kids who are all in pain, trying to make it day to day and numb themselves for part of the time so they have a break from that pain? What a contrast that is to how our Heavenly Father welcomes us, as we see in Luke 15. He welcomes home his prodigal children with open arms, with a celebration. Oh that these children would know that love. They need that love and acceptance. It is that love that breaks chains of addiction, that heals brokenness. No amount of telling them they shouldn't do this or that will change them. They need love. I once told a friend that God loves us to perfection. I don't remember if I heard it somewhere before that or if I came up with that phrase :P But I believe that is what He does. He accepts us as we are and loves away our brokenness, our frailty, our inability to love. He fills us up with His perfect, healing, cleansing, freeing love. I pray that our time here, our interaction with the kids here would allow them to get a glimpse of God's love for them, would open them up to being able to comprehend and receive the amazing love of God that is so different from what they have experienced in their young lives.

Wow, it rained yesterday so hard that the streets flooded. Kelly, Amelia, and I had to walk home from parque central and couldn't avoid walking through streets with water abover our ankles (those were the shallower parts!). We were so wet when we got back to our house for lunch. But what hit me the most was that we were able to change into warm, dry clothes and had lunch waiting for us. What about the kids who are wearing the only clothes they have? Whose wet shoes will keep their feet cold and wet for hours, maybe days? Who don't have a safe place to retreat and get food? I thanked God for my clothes, my shelter, and my food . . . but couldn't stop thinking about the kids . . . what about them? How do they deal with it?

Randomness, Me
God's working a lot in me-- someone prayed for me before I went and said that this trip would be as much or more about what God does in me as what he does through me. I'm definitely feeling that-- it's only been 2 weeks, but God's already done so much work in me. And I expect He will do more-- to make me healthier, more able to listen to Him, more confident in who He made me to be, more able to support others (peers and leaders) and receive support from others . . . it's been intense, but good. Could go on about that but don't have time right now and it's almost too much to write, seriously.

I got to lead worship this week-- twice so far!! The first time I've played guitar and led worship. I really like it! Thank you, Joel, for teaching me how to transpose songs and some cheater chords! Been soooo helpful!

We went to a church on Sunday where the pastor is really excited about what we're doing and wants us to share about our experience the last Sunday we're here!

Thank you everyone who has been praying for me. I've definitely had more energy, been sleeping better. And our team has definitely been growing in listening to God, in unity, supporting each other, etc. I've definitely felt that a large part of my role here is supporting Melanie and Julio as they lead and as they try to figure out what ministry here for them long term might look like. Please pray for Kelly's quick recovery-- thankfully she didn't get more hurt, but she had a startling experience falling in a hole and hurt her foot-- a random hole in the middle of a sidewalk-- you can read her blog if you want the whole story.

And thank you those of you who have emailed, facebooked, or gmail chatted me. It has meant a lot to me-- been really helpful to feel connected and supported. I love hearing from people from home!

Okay, already late for almuerzo! Much love and many blessings!!

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